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Florance Amanlaman

Florance Amanlaman

Commerce / Distribution / Trading / Abidjan, Ivory Coast

2.3 million of peoples and companies follow the news to Florance Amanlaman
Member since: Tuesday, 15 January 2019

BEST CONFERNECE ABIDJAN, 3éme édition Théme: L'Evenementiel, ma passion

Florance Amanlaman

About me
Likes - 2.3 million of views

Member since Tuesday, 15 January 2019 14:55
Florance Amanlaman  added a photo to album in La fête d'indépendance de la Côte d'Ivoire event. 6 years ago

Bonne fête. - feeling happy

Bonne fête.

Théme: L'Evenementiel, ma passion
Samedi 27 Juillet 2019
Résidence Lemanya Riveria Golf
Cell: 225 08 28 92 02

BEST CONFERNECE ABIDJAN, 3éme édition Théme: L'Evenementiel, ma passion Samedi 27 Juillet 2019 Résidence Lemanya Riveria Golf Cell 225 08 28 92 02